Your Way Home’s Mission is to ensure that everyone who lives, works, learns, and invests in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania has equal opportunity to live in an affordable home and a thriving community.
Homeless Service Programming
The Your Way Home homelessness response system is a coordinated effort between Montgomery County, the Continuum of Care, and contracted service provider agencies. Anyone experiencing homelessness in Montgomery County can contact Your Way Home to be connected to services for assistance.
Coordinated Entry
Contracted Provider Agencies include:
Montgomery County Office of Community Connections
Street Outreach
Contracted Provider Agencies include:
Access Services
Valley Youth House
Coatesville Veterans Affairs Hospital
Emergency Shelter
Contracted Provider Agencies include:
Resources for Human Development
Family Promise Montgomery County
Family Promise of the Main Line
Salvation Army
Laurel House
Rapid Rehousing
Contracted Provider Agencies include:
Carson Valley Children’s Aid
Family Services of Montgomery County
Valley Youth House
Access Services
Laurel House
Permanent Supportive Housing
Contracted Provider Agencies include:
1260 Housing Corporation
Hedwig House
Family Services of Montgomery County
Salvation Army Pottstown
Homeless Prevention
Your Way Home operates homeless prevention programs, including the Emergency Rent and Utilities Coalition (ERUC) and the Eviction Prevention and Intervention Coalition (EPIC).
EPIC is the result of a cross-system partnership between the following organizations:
Montgomery Bar Association
Montgomery Bar Foundation
Montgomery County Courts
The Montgomery County Foundation
Montgomery County Office of Housing and Community Development/ Your Way Home Montgomery County CoC
Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Your Way Home follows a Housing First model, and participants at all levels of programming are connected to supportive services as they engage with each agency.
Your Way Home also operates Code Blue Cold Weather Emergency Shelter from November-April. Code Blue is declared in periods of extreme, life-threatening weather, defined as a wind-chill factor of 32°F or below
Your Way Home is ADA compliant and provides auxiliary aids and services to communicate with people who have communication disabilities.
For people who are blind, have vision loss, or are deaf-blind, this includes providing a qualified reader, information in large print, or information electronically for use with a computer screen-reading program.
For people who are deaf, have hearing loss, or are deaf-blind, this includes providing a qualified notetaker, a qualified sign language interpreter, real-time captioning, or written materials.
Your Way Home can also provide translation services for clients and residents communicating in languages other than English.
We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law. Non-English speaking interpreter services are available upon request.