11:00 AM11:00

Your Way Home and HMIS 101

Thursday, May 15 | 11:00am-12:00pm

A thorough introduction to the types of programs Your Way Home partners operate that are all part of the homeless crisis response system. Topics include program and database usage expectations based on program type, as well as general expectations for all Your Way Home partner staff. Required for all new employees and any staff interested in receiving updated training.

Virtual Training. Register HERE

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1:00 PM13:00

LGBTQIA2S+ Cultural Competency and Equal Access Training

In partnership with the Housing Equality Center

Friday, June 20, 1pm-3pm

In-Person at the Community Partner’s Center, Colmar

This training will cover an introduction to LGBTQIA2S+ cultural competency, and provide Your Way Home service providers with understanding of Equal Access and Inclusive Housing Requirements for LGBTQIA2S+ clients in HUD funded programming. The workshop will provide examples of the unique challenges of homelessness experienced by LGBTQIA2S+ individuals, as well as tools for providers to signal their programming and workspace as inclusive and safe spaces for LGBTQIA2S+ clients and employees. This training is in partnership with the Housing Equality Center of PA.

Registration Coming Soon

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11:00 AM11:00

Your Way Home and HMIS 101

Thursday, July 17 | 11:00am-12:00pm

A thorough introduction to the types of programs Your Way Home partners operate that are all part of the homeless crisis response system. Topics include program and database usage expectations based on program type, as well as general expectations for all Your Way Home partner staff. Required for all new employees and any staff interested in receiving updated training.

Virtual Training. Register HERE

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9:00 AM09:00

HeartSet Training Center: "Intentional Crisis Response" and "Challenging the Unseen: Strategies for Unconscious Bias"

Thursday, August 7th | 9am-4pm

Community Partners Center, Colmar, PA

Challenging the Unseen: Strategies for Unconscious Bias

Recognition of the pitfalls of bias in helping professions is essential for shaping contemporary social services. Many practitioners excel at identifying such biases when they present themselves in culturally specific ways. In this session, we will examine how conscious and unconscious biases intersect with social and cultural forces, such as racism, and explore these relationships to illuminate the sources of biases that may go unrecognized. Additionally, we will share several strategies for revealing an individual's unconscious biases and general techniques for managing their impact on services.

Learning objectives:

  • Recognize unconscious bias as a core cognitive function

  • Differentiate bias from prejudice and stigma

  • Recall at least 3 strategies to address unconscious bias

Intentional Crisis Response

People being served by housing and behavioral health systems are nearly always managing heightened stressors and chronic trauma that can easily overwhelm their ability to cope and can quickly lead to crisis. Given the history, motivations, and specific events that lead to a crisis, each situation a helper may encounter will be unique, and much will be outside of our control. We do have control over our own preparation, internal responses, and traumainformed strategies to support people in de-escalating. This session will explore the spaces before, after, and between the actual de-escalation strategies, as well as provide concrete tools to have in our toolbox. Critically, helpers must understand which strategy is the best fit for the moment and quickly apply it in order to maintain the highest level of safety possible. We will invite attendees to practice applying interventions to a range of examples.

Learning objectives:

  • Identify at least 3 key steps to prepare for crisis response

  • Explain 1 new de-escalation tool to apply to a crisis situation

  • Apply an appropriate de-escalation tool to several example crisis situations

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11:00 AM11:00

Your Way Home and HMIS 101

Thursday, September 18 | 11:00am-12:00pm

A thorough introduction to the types of programs Your Way Home partners operate that are all part of the homeless crisis response system. Topics include program and database usage expectations based on program type, as well as general expectations for all Your Way Home partner staff. Required for all new employees and any staff interested in receiving updated training.

Virtual Training. Register HERE

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11:00 AM11:00

Your Way Home and HMIS 101

Thursday, November 20 | 11:00am-12:00pm

A thorough introduction to the types of programs Your Way Home partners operate that are all part of the homeless crisis response system. Topics include program and database usage expectations based on program type, as well as general expectations for all Your Way Home partner staff. Required for all new employees and any staff interested in receiving updated training.

Virtual Training. Register HERE

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11:00 AM11:00

Your Way Home and HMIS 101

Thursday, March 20 | 11:00am-12:00pm

A thorough introduction to the types of programs Your Way Home partners operate that are all part of the homeless crisis response system. Topics include program and database usage expectations based on program type, as well as general expectations for all Your Way Home partner staff. Required for all new employees and any staff interested in receiving updated training.

Virtual Training. Register HERE

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10:00 AM10:00

Fair Housing for Shelters and Non-profit Housing Agencies

Wed, Mar 19, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EDT

Virtual Training

The Housing Equality Center of Pennsylvania offers this virtual training for nonprofit housing providers on the Fair Housing Act and Title VI protections for federally funded activities, including LEP and Equal Access and Gender Identity Rules in HUD funded programs.  Pre-registration is required.  This training covers the following topics:

  • Fair Housing Act and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

  • Discriminatory Treatment under the Fair Housing Act 

  • Disability Issues including Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications, Assistance Animals

  • HUD Guidance on Criminal Records

  • HUD Guidance on Harassment

  • Limited English Proficiency Language Access Requirements Under Title VI

  • HUD Program Rules: Equal Access and Gender Identity

  • Practical Considerations for Providers of HUD Funded Housing and Services

  • Best Practices for Compliance

Register HERE

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10:00 AM10:00

Using Fair Housing to Assist Clients in Navigating a Successful Rental Experience

Tue, Mar 4, 2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

Virtual Training

The Housing Equality Center of PA will deliver a virtual training which will teach housing locators, social workers, case managers and advocates how to use state and federal fair housing laws when appropriate to assist their clients in navigating a successful rental experience. An overview of PA Landlord-Tenant Law will be provided along with an overview of Fair Housing law. Specific fair housing strategies will be presented for various landlord tenant disputes with the goal of maximizing chances for a successful rental experience and avoiding eviction.  Time for questions and answers is included.  Pre-registration is required.

Register HERE

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10:00 AM10:00

Using Fair Housing to Assist Clients in Navigating a Successful Rental Experience

Wed, Feb 19, 2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

Virtual Training

The Housing Equality Center of PA will deliver a virtual training which will teach housing locators, social workers, case managers and advocates how to use state and federal fair housing laws when appropriate to assist their clients in navigating a successful rental experience. An overview of PA Landlord-Tenant Law will be provided along with an overview of Fair Housing law. Specific fair housing strategies will be presented for various landlord tenant disputes with the goal of maximizing chances for a successful rental experience and avoiding eviction.  Time for questions and answers is included.  Pre-registration is required.

Register HERE

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10:00 AM10:00

Fair Housing for Shelters and Non-profit Housing Agencies

Thu, Feb 6, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST

Virtual Training

The Housing Equality Center of Pennsylvania offers this virtual training for nonprofit housing providers on the Fair Housing Act and Title VI protections for federally funded activities, including LEP and Equal Access and Gender Identity Rules in HUD funded programs. Pre-registration is required. This training covers the following topics:

  • Fair Housing Act and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

  • Discriminatory Treatment under the Fair Housing Act

  • Disability Issues including Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications, Assistance Animals

  • HUD Guidance on Criminal Records

  • HUD Guidance on Harassment

  • Limited English Proficiency Language Access Requirements Under Title VI

  • HUD Program Rules: Equal Access and Gender Identity

  • Practical Considerations for Providers of HUD Funded Housing and Services

  • Best Practices for Compliance

    Register HERE

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1:00 PM13:00

Your Way Home Annual Launch: Networking & Policy Review

Wednesday, January 29, 1pm-3pm

In-Person Training

Community Partners Center

2506 North Broad Street

Colmar, PA 18915

Join us in-person for a comprehensive overview of all 2025 updates to Your Way Home and HMIS policies and procedures for provider agencies. This session will also include a reminder overview of the types of programs Your Way Home partners operate that are all part of the homeless crisis response system. Topics include program and database usage expectations based on program type, as well as general expectations for all Your Way Home partner staff.

Register HERE

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11:00 AM11:00

Your Way Home and HMIS 101

Thursday, January 16, 2025 | 11:00am-12:00pm

A thorough introduction to the types of programs Your Way Home partners operate that are all part of the homeless crisis response system. Topics include program and database usage expectations based on program type, as well as general expectations for all Your Way Home partner staff. Required for all new employees and any staff interested in receiving updated training.

Virtual Training. Register HERE

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10:00 AM10:00

Using Fair Housing to Assist Clients in Navigating a Successful Rental Experience Provided by the Housing Equality Center

In Partnership with the Housing Equality Center of PA

Monday, January 13, 2025, 10:00 – 12:00 pm

Virtual Training
This webinar will teach social workers, case managers and advocates how to use state and federal fair housing laws when appropriate to assist their clients in navigating a successful rental experience. An overview of Pennsylvania Landlord-Tenant Law will be provided along with an overview of Fair Housing law. Specific fair housing strategies will be presented for various landlord tenant disputes with the goal of maximizing chances for a successful rental experience and avoiding eviction. Register here.

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