January 2021 Newsletter: Your Way Home Equitable Access Action Team.
Your Way Home Montgomery County is seeking a diverse set of cross-sector and community partners, including people with the lived experience/expertise of homelessness, to serve as volunteers on an action team to guide a groundbreaking research project.
The goal of the project is to design a more equitable and inclusive process for assessing and prioritizing families and individuals experiencing homelessness for limited and scare housing resources and support services.
Since 2018, the Your Way Home partnership has been committed to advancing equity and equality for Montgomery County residents experiencing or at imminent risk of homelessness.
Your Way Home has recently received a grant from the HealthSpark Foundation to expand this work to include our Coordinated Entry System - the "front doors" of the system to assess people's housing needs, level of vulnerability, and prioritization for housing subsidies, case management, and other services.
To learn more about the Your Way Home Equitable Access Team and our upcoming research project, Click Here